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  1. The Magicento website is down. I'm wondering if there's some way to get hold of the most recent version of Magicento for M1 or, if not, how if anything comparable exists. Update: The site is now up, and I was able to get the latest version.
  2. Magicento is a free PHPStorm plugin for Magento developers. Features include: Goto for factories and template paths, autocomplete for factories, xml files and class names, documentation for xml nodes, evaluation of PHP code inside Magento environment, and much more to come!

This post is intended for all Magento developers who use PhpStorm as their IDE. It’s about Magicento – free PhpStorm plugin for Magento developers.
Features in Magicento:

When Magicento is installed, PhpStorm supports the auto completion of Magento class names to make you more efficient. Next to these core functionalities, some of the less well known features are presented. So even experienced users of PhpStorm will learn something new.

Magento Logo

1. Goto

Magicento extends PhpStorm goto functionality in a way that you can now use goto also for factory methods and templates. You can go to destination class from factory method by using middle click (Ctrl+click, Ctrl+B).

Also, at the same way, you can go to any phtml template from layout xml file.

Clicking at any Mage::dispatchEvent call brings you to observer definition for corresponding event.

2. Class recognition for objects

You can use Alt+M (Option+M) to assign class for certain object that is defined through factory method. That is very useful for code completion.

Magento 2

3. Creating modules


Click Alt+M (Option+M) -> Create Module anywhere in a file to save time while creating Magento modules.


More about Magicento features and installation you can find at official Magicento website.
I hope this post will be useful for all Magento developers that use PhpStorm.

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