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The Many Names of Sugar

Products include glucose syrups and glucose-fructose syrups, vital or hydrolyzed wheat proteins, starch, and wheat germs. These products offer high quality solutions to provide texture, transparency, taste, shelf life extension and nutritional balance. GlucoSweet is a simple diabetes management app, which keeps track of your glucose readings, carbohydrate intake during meal times and medication/insulin too! KEY FEATURES: - iCloud compatible (Sync and store your data). Sync your data to your other devices running GlucoSweet on Mac and iOS. Slick and easy to use interface.

Agave nectar/syrup

All natural evaporated cane juice


Amber liquid sugar

Anhydrous dextrose

Apple butter/sugar/syrup

Glucose Sweetener

Bakers special sugar

Barbados sugar

Barley malt

Barley malt syrup

Bar sugar

Berry sugar

Beet molasses/sugar/syrup

Blackstrap molasses

Blonde coconut sugar

Brown rice syrup

Brown sugar

Buttered syrup

Candy floss

Cane crystals

Cane juice/crystals/powder

Cane sugar


Carob syrup

Caster sugar


Chicory (HFC)

Coarse sugar

Coconut palm sugar

Coconut sap sugar

Coconut sugar

Coconut syrup

Coco sugar

Coco sap sugar

Concentrate juice


Concord grape juice concentrate

Confectioner’s sugar

Corn sugar (HFCS)

Corn syrup (HFCS)

Corn syrup solids (HFCS)

Corn sweetener (HFCS)

Cornsweet 90 (really HFCS 90)

Creamed honey (Often with HFCS)

Crystal dextrose

Crystalline fructose

Crystallized organic cane juice


Dark brown sugar

Dark molasses

Date sugar

Decorating sugar

Dehydrated sugar cane juice

Demerara sugar






Diastatic malt



Dixie crystals


Dried evaporated organic cane juice



Evaporated organic cane juice

Evaporated corn sweetener (HFCS)

Ethyl maltol

First molasses

Florida crystals

Free flowing

Free flowing brown sugar


Fructose (HFCS)

Fructose crystals (HFCS)

Fruit fructose (HFCS)

Fruit juice (often with HFCS)

Fruit juice concentrate (often with HFCS)

Fruit sugar (often with HFCS)

Fruit syrup (often with HFCS)





Glucose-fructose syrup (HFCS)

Glucose solids


Gluctose fructose (HFCS)

Golden molasses/sugar/syrup

Gomme syrup

Granulated fructose/sugar

Granulated sugar cane juice

Grape sugar

Grape juice concentrate





High dextrose glucose syrup

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

High fructose maize syrup (HFCS)

High maltose corn syrup

Hydrogenated starch

Hydrogenated starch hydrosylate

Hydrolyzed cornstarch



Icing sugar

Inulin (HFCS)

Invert sugar/syrup

Inverted sugar syrup

Isoglucose (HFCS)





Jaggery powder





Light brown sugar

Light molasses

Liquid dextrose

Liquid fructose/syrup

Liquid honey

Liquid maltodextrin

Liquid sucrose

Liquid sugar

Maize syrup (HFC)




Malted barley syrup

Malted corn syrup

Malted corn & barley syrup

Malted barley









Malt syrup


Maple sugar/syrup


Meritab 700





Muscovado sugar





Organic agave syrup

Organic brown rice syrup

Organic cane juice crystals

Organic coconut palm sugar

Organic palm sugar

Organic succinate

Organic sugar

Organic raw sugar

Palm sugar/syrup


Pancake syrup


Pearl sugar


Potato maltodextrine

Powdered sugar


Pure cane syrup

Pure sugar spun

Raisin syrup


Raw agave syrup

Raw sugar


Refiners syrup

Rice maltodextrine

Rice syrup/solids

Raw honey

Rock sugar


Sanding sugar

Second molasses


Simple syrup


Soluble corn fiber


Sorbitol syrup



Sucre de canne naturel




Sugar beet syrup/crystals

Sugar cane juice

Sugar cane natural

Sugar hat

Sulfured molasses

Sweetened condensed milk

Sweet sorghum syrup


Table sugar






Glucose Sweat Patch



Turbomado sugar

Unrefined sugar

Unsulphured molasses

White crystal sugar

White grape juice concentrate

White refined sugar

White sugar

Wood sugar


Yellow sugar

I remember when I was attending my Jr High School and being brought into the cafeteria with my classmates to learn the food pyramid. It showed volumes and types of foods recommended by the government that we should eat on a daily basis. What seems funny to me is that for the past thirty years very few people have challenged that pyramid.

Coincidentally, diabetes cancer, heart attacks, Alzheimer’s and other serious diseases have been rising as we have followed the food pyramid. Maybe it is not so coincidental.

Don’t you think it is funny we are so skeptical of the government in most things but in this issue we have followed what we were told by the government but never given the data behind the reasoning? I am not a conspiracy theorist that would be silly and extreme. Theories are things that cannot be proven as fact, here we can.

Think about it for a second, food companies are not in business to make you more healthy, nor make you sicker. They are in business to make a profit, plain and simple. If they have a product that is not being well received or not doing well in the market place there are two choices. One dump the product and start again with another one or two change the perception of the product through marketing and lobbying.

Because research and development is very expensive marketing and lobbying tend to be the cheaper option, especially if there is no guarantee the replacement product will be received anymore than the original was. The food company is not there to protect the consumers interest, it is there to protect its own interests. So like boxing you need to remember to always protect yourself.

The issue however is that we are inundated with advertising. Big signs, loud commercials, bright packaging, newspaper articles stating facts that originate with the manufacturer and passed off as independent reporting. Then different levels of governmental legislatures, regulators and talking heads guiding us through our daily food choices.

Lobbyists working on behalf of the companies help “guide” the government on where it wants products to move. Don’t you remember eggs were bad for us, then they were good for us again “Get Cracking, “Got Milk” fat is bad, carbs are good, then only certain carbs were good from certain types of foods. That couldn’t possibly originate from lobbyists trying to get their customers products sold. I mean a lobbyist never contributed to a politicians re-election campaign, right?

I remember Susan Powter telling people to “Stop the Insanity” in the early 1990’s. Eat more fat, eat more protein, eat less carbs. Well that didn’t go far because the fat free, low fat products are as infectious as all the gluten products. Why you ask? Because they are laced with sugar, which is highly addictive and creates repeat customers. You see when companies lower fat they increase sugar.

They hide sugar under other names or in plain view on the ingredient area like the following:

Agave nectar (Often with HFCS), Agave syrup (Often with HFCS ), All natural evaporated cane juice, Amasake, Amber liquid sugar, Anhydrous dextrose, Apple butter, Apple sugar, Apple syrup, Arenga sugar, Bakers special sugar, Barbados Sugar, Barley malt, Barley malt syrup, Bar sugar, Berry Sugar, Beet molasses, Beet sugar, Beet syrup, Blackstrap molasses, Blonde coconut sugar, Brown rice syrup, Brown sugar, Buttered syrup, Candy floss, Cane crystals, Cane juice, Cane juice crystals, Cane juice powder, Cane sugar, Caramel, Carob syrup, Caster sugar, Castorsugar, Cellobiose, Chicory (HFCS), Coarse sugar, Coconut palm sugar, Coconut sap sugar, Coconut sugar, Coconut syrup, Coco sugar, Coco sap sugar, Concentrate juice (Often with HFCS), Concord grape juice concentrate, Confectioner’s sugar, Corn sugar (HFCS), Corn syrup solids (HFCS), Corn sweetener (HFCS), Cornsweet 90 ® (really HFCS 90), Creamed honey (Often with HFCS), Crystal dextrose, Crystalline fructose, Crystallized organic cane juice, D-arabino-hexulose, Dark brown sugar, Dark molasses, Date sugar, Decorating sugar, Dehydrated sugar cane juice, Demerara Sugar, Dextrin, Dextran, Dextrose, D-fructose, D-fructofuranose, Diastatic malt, Diatase, Disaccharide, Dixie crystals, D-mannose, Dried evaporated organic cane juice, D-xylose, ECJ, Evaporated organic cane juice, Evaporated corn sweetener (HFCS), Ethyl maltol, First molasses, Florida Crystals, Free Flowing, Free flowing brown sugar, Fructamyl, Fructose (HFCS), Fructose crystals (HFCS), Fructose sweetener (HFCS), Fruit fructose (HFCS), Fruit juice (Often with HFCS), Fruit juice concentrate (Often with HFCS), Fruit sugar (Often with HFCS), Fruit syrup (Often with HFCS), Galactose, Glucodry, Glucomalt, Glucoplus, Glucose, Glucose-fructose syrup (HFCS), Glucose solids, Glucosweet, Gluctose fructose (HFCS), Golden molasses, Golden sugar, Golden syrup, Gomme syrup, Granulated fructose, Granulated sugar, Granulated sugar cane juice, Grape sugar, Grape juice concentrate, Gur, HFCS, HFCS 42, HFCS 55, High dextrose glucose syrup, High-fructose corn syrup, High fructose maize syrup (HFCS), High maltose corn syrup (Often with HFCS), Hydrogenated starch, Hydrogenated starch hydrosylate, Hydrolyzed corn starch, Honey, Honey comb, Honey powder, HSH, Icing sugar, Inulin (HFCS), Invert sugar, Inverted sugar syrup, Invert syrup, Isoglucose (HFCS), Isomalt, Isomaltotriose, Isosweet, Jaggery, Jaggery powder, Lactitol, Lactose, Levulose, Lesys, Light brown sugar, Light molasses, Liquid dextrose, Liquid fructose (Often with HFCS), Liquid fructose syrup (Often with HFCS), Liquid honey, Liquid maltodextrin, Liquid sucrose, Liquid sugar,Maize syrup (HFCS), Maldex, Maldexel, Malt, Malted barley syrup, Malted corn syrup, Malted corn and barley syrup, Malted barley, Maltitol, Maltitol syrup, Malitsorb, Maltisweet, Maltodextrin, Maltose, Maltotriitol, Maltotriose, Maltotriulose, Malt syrup, Mannitol, Maple Sugar, Maple syrup, Meritose, Meritab 700, Misri, Mizuame, Molasses, Monosaccharide, Muscovado sugar, Mycose, Mylose, Nigerotriose. Oligosaccharride, Organic agave syrup, Organic brown rice syrup, Organic cane juice crystals, Organic coconut palm sugar, Organic palm sugar, Organic sucanat, Organic sugar, Organic raw sugar, Orgeat syrup, Palm sugar, Palm syrup, Panela, Pancake syrup, Panocha, Pearl sugar, Piloncillo, Potato maltodextrine, Powdered sugar, Promitor, Pure cane syrup, Pure sugar spun, Raisin syrup, Rapadura, Raw agave syrup, Raw sugar, Raffinose, Refiner’s syrup, Rice maltodextrine, Rice Syrup, Rice syrup solids, Raw honey, Rock sugar, Saccharose, Sanding sugar, Second molasses, Shakar, Simple syrup, Sirodex, Soluble corn fiber, Sorbitol, Sorbitol syrup, Sorghum, Sorghum molasses, Sorghum syrup, Sucanat, Sucre de canne naturel, Sucrose, Sucrosweet, Sugar, Sugar beet syrup, Sugar beet crystals, Sugar cane juice, Sugar cane natural, Sugar hat, Sulfured molasses, Sweetened condensed milk, Sweet sorghum syrup, Syrup, Table sugar, Tagatose, Treacle, Trehalose, Tremalose, Trimoline, Triose, Trisaccharides, Turbinado sugar, Unrefined sugar, Unsulphured molasses, White crystal sugar, White grape juice concentrate, White refined sugar, White sugar, Wood sugar, Xylose, Yellow sugar

My bigger point here is that fat is not the issue, the bad carbs and sugar are the issues, Sugar is a toxin and is in as many processed foods as gluten. If a person eliminated gluten and sugar from their diet they would start seeing improved health results very quickly.

We as a society are pill happy, pills for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, inflammation, allergies and we treat symptoms instead of the issue which is what we are putting into our bodies as food sources. This is not about being a Vegan, Vegetarian or Paleo. Yesterday Josiah and I went out shopping and he got to see the price difference between non GMO, organic foods and regular, he also got to see the difference in price between true free range eggs and chicken breast and regular. I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head. But as I told him the long term costs will be in his favor and even the immediate costs will end up in his favor because his food consumption will go down by eliminating those toxins.

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